Donald E. Hanna
Chapter 1:
Women, Leadership, and Technology: A Brave New World
Don Olcott, Jr, and Darcy W. Hardy
Chapter 2:
Crashing Through the Glass Ceiling: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
Lalita Rajasingham
Chapter 3:
Perspectives on Transformational Leadership and the Modern Glass Ceiling
Michael J. Johnson
Chapter 4:
Science Isn’t for Girls . . . Or So the Story Goes
Diana Oblinger
Chapter 5:
Pushing the Velvet Ceiling: Leading a For-Profit Online University: Moving from Theory to Practice
Interview with Pamela S. Pease
Chapter 6:
Leadership = Opportunity + Skills + Attitude
Interview with Muriel Oaks
Chapter 7:
Women in Corporate America in the 21st Century
William Cunningham
Chapter 8:
For What It’s Worth: A 30s-Something View of the Glass Ceiling
Interview with Kelli L. Klosterman
Chapter 9:
Leadership Choices for the Future
Don Olcott, Jr, Darcy W. Hardy, and Theresa E. Madden