About This Book
How to Listen to This Book
1. Listen Very Loud
Paying attention to the lessons of our professional life
2. Lessons from the Big Guy
Unexpected wisdom from unrecognized mentors
3. I'm Still Alive
The people, places, and purposes that give us meaning
4. The Hand of Grace
Giving and receiving grace in professional practice
5. On Being Binked
Being touched and changed by the random energy of students and
6. Find Your Joy
Discovering and creating joy in and around our work lives
7. Me And My Guitar
Fine-tuning the instruments we use
8. Responsibility and Freedom: Keys to Learning
Helping students exercise their newfound freedom with responsibility
9. CTS Period
Making sense by being sensible and sensitive
10. Shooting for the Stars
Helping students define success through knowledge, skills, and
11. A Learning Community in the Real World
Making the entire campus a learning community
12. Motivation Revisited (or, Mr. Peabody's "Wayback Time Machine")
Creating the conditions to foster student motivation
13. Five Easy Questions
Breaking down educational barriers on campus
14. When Someone Gives You Grief
Responding appropriately and authentically to loss and grief
15. The Gift of GAB, Filling the GAP, and the GAG Rule
Responding appropriately to stress
16. Going as You've Learned or Learning as You Go
Recognizing how we learn, what we've learned, and what to do with
what we've learned
17. Summer Hiatus
Adjusting to the seasonal needs of our students
18. Boxes and Stuff
"Stuff" management
19. B.A.L.A.N.C.E.
Balancing personal and professional expectations and obligations
20. Deferred Living
Seizing the day and investing in the present
21. Re-engagement
Employing a lifetime of experience
22. Trains of Thought
Appreciating the journey
23. Collegiate Kudzu
Good ideas that get out of control - and how to live with them
24. Settling Up
Reconciling differences and holding each other accountable
25. The Perception of Stress
Differentiating perceptions from reality - and responding accordingly
26. Good News
No news isn't good news if the good news doesn't get reported
27. Campus Soul Ecology
Paying attention to the souls of our campuses
28. The Capacity To Care
Caring about, rather than taking care of, the people in our work
29. The Lexicon of Little Things
A dictionary of making a difference
30. Dear Darci
Why I do what I do
Table of "Context": Reflection Questions
About the Author Context": Reflection Questions
About the Author