Linda Rogers Wish I Were: Felt Pathway of the Self Linda Rogers is a professor and Chair of the Department of Liberal Studies at California State University, Monterey Bay. She is the coordinator of Semiotics in Education a special interest group of the American Educational Research Association. She has published numerous articles in journals including the Canadian Journal of Education and Teaching Education and is currently the co-editor of the International Journal of Applied Semiotics. Linda taught for 14 years in Perth, Western Australia. Contributing authors: Richard M. Carp is Chair of the School of Art at Northern Illinois University. He works in the interstices of performance, visual art, anthropology, and the academic study of religion. His most recent publication is "Perception and Material Culture: Historical and Cross-Cultural Perspectives" in the Fall, 1997 issue of Historical Reflections/Réflèxions Historiques. Marcel Danesi is professor and director of the Program in Semiotics and Communication Theory of Victoria College, University of Toronto. He is co-editor of two book series on semiotics, one with University of Toronto press and another with St. Martin's Press. Among his latest books are: Vico, Metaphor, and the Origin of Language (1993), Cool: The Signs and Meanings of Adolescence (1994), and Increase Your Puzzle IQ (1997). Jeff Dykhuizen received his BA in Philosophy and Psychology from Grand Valley State University in 1986. After two years of service in the Peace Corps in Nepal, he began his graduate work at Kent State University, receiving his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology in 1996. He has since been involved in a variety of cross-cultural and international education and training programs. He is currently working as the Psychology Program Director at Human International University in Tokyo. Nancy Stockall Haas received her Ph.D in Education from Kent State University and is an Assistant Professor at the University of Arkansas. She teaches courses in qualitative research, special education assessment and early childhood teaching methods. A recipient of the 1995 American Education Research Association Early Education and Child Development Dissertation Award, her research interests are in the area of semiotics as applied to the education of children and their families. Nancys professional experiences include elementary teaching in special education for children with mild disabilities, developing programs and teaching in integrated early childhood special education public preschool programs, and supervising special education programs in an inner city school district. James F. Hopgood is Professor of Anthropology and Department Chair, Northern Kentucky University. His major field is socio-cultural anthropology with research interest in religious movements, culture theory, and urban anthropology, with field research interests in Northeast Mexico, and Japan, as well as Fairmount, Indiana. He is the author of Settlers of Bajavista: Social and Economic Adaptation in a Mexican Squatter Settlement (The Ohio University, Athens, 1979) and many chapters and articles, including the recently published "Another Japanese Version: An American Actor in Japanese Hands" (In The Social Construction of Race and Ethnicity in the United States by Joan Ferranteand Prince Brown, Jr., eds., Longman, 1998). Hopgood is also a recent recipient of a Sasakawa Fellowship for study at the Japan Studies Institute, San Diego. Peter McLaren is Professor of Urban Schooling, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles. He is one of the leading exponents of critical pedagogy and multicultural education in the United States. He has authored and edited over 20 books on topics ranging from symbolic anthropology, to critical literacy to the sociology of education. His works have been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Hebrew, Polish, German, Catalan, and French. His distinct brand of political activism takes him around the world, where he is considered one of the architects of critical education for liberation. His most recent books are Critical Pedagogy and Predatory Culture (Routledge, 1995) and Revolutionary Multiculturalism (Westview Press, 1997). Sarah Rae Mechem graduated from Kent State University with a Master of Education in Special Education emphasizing Early Intervention and Multiple and Orthopedic Disabilities. She is currently working in Fairbanks, Alaska for a non-profit agency in Early Intervention, serving families with children under the age of three years old with disabilities. She is also building a homestead north of Fairbanks. Phyllis Passariello is associate professor of anthropology and chair of her program at Centre College, Kentucky. Her articles have appeared in numerous journals including: The Annals of Tourism Research, American Journal of Semiotics, the Latin American Anthropology Review, Food and Foodways, and Otherwise. She has recently published, with her late brother, a book, Eating Culture: the Italian Yankee Cookbook, An Ethnographic Reminiscence (Altrimenti Press: 1997). John Rossiter received a dual B.A. in Human Resource Management and Business Management in 1986. He received his M.A. from Kent State Graduate College of Education in Evaluation and Measurement and is currently a research fellow and Ph.D. candidate in Evaluation and Measurement at Kent State. |