C. W. Spinks. Professor of English, Department of English, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas 78212. email: . Research Interests: Romantic poetry, semiotics, myth, and science fiction. Professional Activities: Semiotic Society of America, Editor of the Proceedings of the Semiotic Society of America (1994 to 1999). Myrdene Anderson. Professor of Anthropology, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1365. email: . Research Interests: Ethnographic research on Saami (Lappis) ethnoecology, artificial life, semiotic modeling, alternative gardening practices, play, and trash. Professonal Activities: Past President of Central States Anthropological Society, Past President of Semiotic Society of America. Richard M. Carp. Professor and Chair, Interdisciplinary Studies, Box 32080, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 28608. email: . Research Interests: Material culture, perception and cognition; semiotics; ritual and performance; bodies/temporalities/spatialities; scholarship; interdisciplinarity. Professional activities: Society for} Values in Higher Education, Association for Integrative Studies, Semiotic Society of America, American Academy of Religion. Sean A. Day. Associate Professor, Department of English, National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan 32054 R.O.C. email: . Research Interests: Anthropological linguistics, semiotics, synaesthesia, sensory perception, the categorization of odors, neurolinguistics, Formosan languages, synaesthetic compositions, and performance arts. Professional Activities: American Synesthesia Association (1997 President), American Anthropological Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Central States Anthropological Society, International Synaesthesia Association, Semiotic Society of America. Organizer, editor and moderator of The Synesthesia List, or . Marilyn Jurich. Associate Professor of English, English Department, Suffolk University, Boston, Massachusetts 02114-4280. email: . Research Interests: Fantasy, folklore, utopian literature, children\rquote s literature, eighteenth century philosophy, Dorothy Wordsworth. Professional Activities: Contributions and presentations to Utopian Studies Conference, Conference on American and Popular Culture, International Association of Fantasy in the Arts, Modern Language Association. Elzbieta T. Kazmierczak. Assistant Professor, Head of Illustration Program, Art Department, 202 Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260-6010. email: . Research Interests: Search of paradigms of visual language, evolution of graphic forms and symbols; most currently — structure and function of diagrammatic models as related to cognition and visual communication. Professional Activities: International Institute for Information Design, Vienna (1994-2000), Semiotic Society of America, International Association for Semiotic Studies. Also a professional artist who has had numerous exhibitions and awards. Frank L. Kersnowski. Professor of English, Department of English, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas 78212. email: . Research Interests: Modern British & Irish literature, especially Lawrence Durrell and Robert Graves. Professional Activities: Semiotic Society of America; Lawrence Durrell Society; Past President, Robert Graves Society; Member, Editorial Board of Gravesiana. Linda J. Rogers. Professor, California State University, Monterey Bay, Human Development Program. Research Interests: Anthropological developmental psychology in education dealing with children’s everyday trauma, research in U.S., Northern Ireland, and Australia. Professional Activities: Executive Director of Semiotic Society of America, Executive Board of Semiotics in Education for the American Education Research Association, and co-editor of the International Journal of Applied Semiotics. Inna Semetsky. Department of Arts and Humanities, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027. email: . Research Interests: Geophilosophy of Gilles Deleuze, analytical psychology, CAS and education. Professional Activities: Semiotics Society of America, International Association for Semiotic Studies, PES, INPE, ISTP. Recipient of first Kevelson Award from the Semiotics Society of America (2000). Scott Simpkins. Associate Professor of English, English Department, Box 13827, University of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203-3827. email: . Research Interests: Literary semiotics, stigma theory, masculinism. Professional Activities: Editor, Studies in the Novel; Editor of the Proceedings of the Semiotic Society of America (2000 to present); Section Editor, Literary Semiotics, Semiotic Review of Books; Lecturer, "Critical Semiotics," Cyber Semiotic Institute. Christina Olson Spiesel. Adjunct Professor of Law, Quinnipiac University Law School; Faculty Associate, Institute for Writing and Thinking, Bard College; Research Associate, Yale Law School. Address: 275 meeting Carmel Ave., New Haven, CT 06518. email: . Professional visual artist, painter. Teaches "Visual Persuasion in the Law." In addition to exhibiting her art, Spiesel has published academic papers interpreting art, on visual issues within legal discourse, poetry, and memoirs. Nancy Stockall. Associate Professor of Special Education, School of Family and Consumer Sciences, Johnston Hall, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43402. Email: . Research Interests: Applied semiotics, dis/ability studies, and pedagogy. Professional Activities: Past Treasurer and current member of the American Educational Research Association Semiotics Special Interest Group. Member of Semiotic Society of America and Central States Anthropological Society. Terry Stocker. Professor, Department of English, Hannam University, 133 Ojung-dong, Taeduk-gu, Taejon 306-791 Korea. email: . Research Interests: Literature in anthropology, Aztec and Toltec religion. |